Doo Doo Face

1. A person who constantly makes terrible mistakes or choices which lead to faliure.

2. A person who smears shit all over their own face and then kisses their girlfriend or boyfriend while they are sleeping.
Scott: Jamie man why did you do that? your such a doo doo face.

Elly: ewwwwww whats that on my face. Is it turd?
(turns around and looks at Jamie)
Jamie: Errr errr. Ok! it was me.
Elly: But what is it?
Jamie: Its.... its my poop.
Liam: HA HA! you totally got doo doo faced.
by Glynn Thomas April 5, 2008
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Doo doo face

Somethone that look extremely ugly and that doo dooes all the time.
Lil Kurt is a doo doo face, too.
by Weezer LY May 7, 2003
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