When a cashier rightfully secretly charges a customer an extra amount of money to get something for him or herself in response to the rudeness and/or dumbassness the customer displayed to the cashier.
Worker 1- "Man, that guy was a dick. No worries though... I dizzled his ass"

Worker 2- "Nice"

Worker 1- "...here have some of the Mamba he bought me"
by Tron314 April 3, 2007
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Dizzle! DIZZLE!!!!! DIZZLE!!!!!!!!!
by .']--['. March 6, 2005
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A black guy that acts white.
i seen a dizzle in a cowboy store.
by homage October 27, 2010
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A balding maths teacher who shouts things such as "Hurrah"
Person 1: "HURRAH"
Person 2: "Don't be a Dizzle."
by Fulcha July 25, 2008
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Another way of saying "diesel". Aka the cooler way.
What does your truck run on?
Dizzle, none of that premium shitt.
by aries;) December 28, 2010
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The slang name for the steryotype asian buffet Oriental Diner in Aurora, Ontario, Canada. It can be used as a noun, verb, or adjective.

It can be abbreviated to "diz" or expanded to "the dirty dizzle". It can also be used as a comparative to other buisnesses
"let's dizzle"
"Yo does the dizzle make their General Tao Chicken out of cats and/or babies?"
"The Dizzle screwed my sweet & sour chicken balls again"
"lets go get diz"
"Holy S***! Its the Dirty Dizzle
by Spunkeye July 9, 2009
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