Denki is a character from my hero academia or bnha. He is a fun loving, crazy person. Who can short out his brain if he over uses his power
by ~~~Anonymous March 2, 2019
by Pedros_girlfriend October 6, 2019
Denki is a cute, hot, beautiful, funny character from bnha. I don't blame you if you simp for him- because I do 😏😘
by Shamelessimp October 12, 2020
The embodiment of teen angst. Will refuse to sleep whenever they want because they're the new generation.
"Stacy I am this close to putting you back in the womb, giving birth again, and renaming you Denki if you keep ignoring me."
by LurkingEyes August 7, 2018
by Luciferismostlikelygay July 1, 2021