To feel hatred/violence towards people and inanimate objects.
Adam: I hate her so much, she annoys the crap out of me.

Casey: Well, aren't we feeling Dosty today.
by Flute4 September 9, 2011
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Term used for the lord of all fruitcakes and also dim-witted Canadians.
by Audrey St. German January 15, 2005
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An adjective that can be used to describe an array of opinions, whether they're positive or negative or neutral, determined by the implied context.
*example 1*

Dude: Damn, that girl is fine

Guy: Yeah, she's so dosty

*Example 2*

Guy: look at that gross ass bitch

Dude: She is Dosty!

*Example 3*

Guy1: check out these dosty speakers

Guy2: Those are sick
by Justin Sertit July 21, 2011
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