1) A delicious variety of finger food of an Asian origin, consisting of puff pastry filled with curry.
2) The hot, rancid, gastrointestinal aftermath of eating the aforementioned delicacy. Asia's answer to Montezuma's revenge.
I had biryani last night, and I've been cutting some prime curry puffs.

That smelly Deshi keeps giving out curry puffs.
by HayziBra September 16, 2010
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Introducing our new product, curry puffs. Stop eating all of them Arhan your making them out of stock. Anyways it is a creamy, delicious product that you can eat with daddy long lets or just play pubg and eat curry with your friends. Available in 3 different flavours in your nearest Indian store Bobs in cheese.
*reloads glock* bang bang! finally I can ass cream with Sanjeet and afford to drink cock. Fuck you arhan. Curry Puffs, there so stupid they will but it.
by sexy mama oooooooof May 24, 2021
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That horrific but good fart you deliver after eating a hot curry
We had an Indian last night and Dave let off an almighty curry love puff
by Chazzaboi June 10, 2017
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