A person that juggles chodes. It can be anywhere from three to "n" chodes, but it must meet the minimum requirement of three.
Bob: Why is Anthony wearing all Monster branded clothing? Is he paid by them or something?
Ricardo: No he just appreciates their look.
Bob: wow he's a real chode juggler
by 4155968205 October 15, 2015
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A fag who juggles around with many chodes simultaneously.

juggled around with so many chodes at the park lastnight. He really is an "all around" kinda chode juggler.
by Ms.Peachy December 9, 2015
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Someone who literally juggles stubby dicks around like a circus act. Not a sexual innuendo.
You're such a chode juggler!
by TheZzzOne October 22, 2015
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