"damn, you could see her chocolate star while she was standing up!
by fuck you November 30, 2003
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When one partner tickles the butt hole of another partner until they poop in the persons hand, and then five starring the other partner on the back with the warm poop in the hand.
It often times reffers to the butt-hole. Its shape and color resembles what you would expect to see in a star-fish covered in chocolate. This word originated back in 1847 by a scooba-diver. You could use this word in a work safe manner and it will not occure to anybody that you are being a total Ass Hole.
"Hey, Fredrick... Remember when you ran into my car last week? Yeah, well, after work tonight, I was thinking of maybe shoving a grown man's elbow in your chocolate Star-Fish©"
by Platinum Romeo November 15, 2006
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The act of accidentally pressing your butt orifice against your partner's lower back or other random body part.
My girlfriend was sitting between my legs in the bath tub, she moved forward so that i could lie back to wet my hair. My ass then slid forward and I gave her the chocolate star stamp on her lower back. True story.
by JefffersonM April 14, 2013
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I had acurry last night & now my "chocolate star fish" is on fire.
by Kelly August 11, 2003
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A Chocolate Star Monster is a Homorsexual male who prefer's to give anal intercourse and not receive it.
"Look at the size of the gay brick layer, you can tell he is a chocolate star monster, no queer boy could handle him"
by BrightEyez March 12, 2008
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