Charlie Foxtrot

This mission is a complete Charlie Foxtrot
by DomingoNegro September 30, 2015
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Charlie Foxtrot

Military slang, phonetic abbreviation for "Cluster Fucked", metaphorically describing an incoherant entanglement of a certain situation or formation.
Don't break you're chain of command, then I'll have a shitload of paperwork coming my way and it'll turn my schedule into a big Charlie Foxtrot.

When marching, keep your distance, interval and cover, or the formation is a Charlie Foxtrot.
by Zack Warr March 4, 2007
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Charlie Foxtrot

An alt of clusterfuck which can be used in the presence of children, parents, or other groups one might wish to avoid cursing in front of.
"Somebody un-charlie foxtrot this charlie foxtrot."
-Captain of a local educational sailing vessel upon discovering a clusterfuck of rope while instructing a class of fifth-graders.
by Asok_Green August 19, 2007
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Charlie Foxtrot

"Cluster Fuck" commonly used with the military being the phonetic alphabet
"Dude, the mission was a total Charlie Foxtrot!!"
by Gaffer351409 September 2, 2009
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Charlie Foxtrot

Codename for Cluster Fuck when you're in public or private situations that calls for a swear of such magnitude but manners and courtesy call for some discretion
Boss: Steve I need you to fix the mess on the DNS server caused by Chuck last week

You: Yeah..that was one hell of a Charlie Foxtrot

Boss: Yeah he is like Charlie Brown..

((swearing to superior avoided))
by Cowkilla August 16, 2009
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Charlie Foxtrot

Phonetics for Cluster-Fuck
"This is a real Charlie Foxtrot assignment."
by Lionel Mandrake January 22, 2004
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charlie foxtrot

The abbreviation for Cluster-Fuck (CF) using the Phonetic Alphabet
I knew that mission was going to be a huge charlie foxtrot after things started to hit the fan
by heavyhippo July 10, 2006
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