1. To think of something as an impossibility. (Sounding like Chyeah-right)

2. Sweet!
(Definition 1):

Person #1: I made out with that girl right next to that locker over there *points to girl*
Person #2: Chareat! There's no way you could've done that w/ her.

(Definition 2):

Person #1: I made out with that girl right next to that locker over there *points to girl*
Person #2: Chareat!!! Good job, bro.
by JoeJason March 18, 2008
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Chareat (adj./v.)
1) To show signs of impossibility
2) Sweet
1)Joe: Dude! Today I dunked on a 10 foot hoop!
Jason: Chareat

2)Joe: Jas, we're having a huge pudding eating contest tomorrow. You in?
Jason: Aw Chareat I'm so gonna win
by Jason Joe March 17, 2008
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