1. A top-rated liberal arts institution in the capital city of Helena, Montana founded in 1909 by Bishop John Carroll. The school motto is, "Not for school, but for life."

2. A school with the coolest professors who run to class and speak in tongues. We like getting outdoors, not having toaster ovens or candles in our dorm rooms, and flooding classrooms. Many people enjoy going on adventures like eating in the cafeteria or falling down Guad hill, and others enjoy bogging down the wifi with Netflix. If the stairs in Charlies don't kill you, Val's voice yelling out your latte order surely will.
"I've decided to go to Carroll College next year!" "Where??"
by nutellanomnom March 10, 2016
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middle of nowhere , parties small af and same ppl every time, not always a bad thing tho, dining hall is called the rot and it makes sense the food is shitty, you either love it or hate it here
"Dude I go to Carroll College, it's not for school but for life"
by racecardriver February 26, 2019
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Community college that is filled with failures and those who are expecting to go no where in life.

You may want to enroll in this school if you:

1. Smoke alot of weed
2. Think smoking weed is more important than anything else.
3. Mow Lawns for primary income
4. Failed out of WVU
5. If you don't know english
6. If you live in a trailer
7. Your parents don't love you
8. If your from South Carroll High
9. You just couldn't make it through career and tech
10. Your girlfriend is pregnant.
Yeah i got arrested for public intoxication, got my gf preggo, failed out of school, my parents stopped talking to me, so i mow lawns for money for the child support and now i got to carroll community college.
by sourtaint180 July 22, 2010
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