A very, very kind girl that you never want to pass. She is one of the best friends/girlfriend you will ever have. With her being kind, she is also beautiful.
I just met this girl, super sweet and pretty!
Bet her name is Carinn.
by Avaromeroo March 9, 2017
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The sweetest girl you will ever meet! Even though she can have her moments, Carinne is someone you always want to be around.
guy1: dude you're dating Carinne?! She's a total catch!
guy2: thanks man ik. she is amazing
by anno.12345 June 18, 2014
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A girl who can often be found having sex in the backseat of a car
Dude, she looks like a total carinne.
by xyzzz00 February 5, 2010
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