Is a school with droolers and juulers. This school is the best school ever 10/10. People get caught with juul in the bathroom, kids being wrote up for breathing, gym classes going out in 40 degree weather, kids acting tough and shit (fucking hood rats) and uhhh.. FUCKING POCKET HOLDERS FOR YOUR PHONES. IS THIS SCHOOL FUCKING SLOW? "IF THERES A FIRE ALARM YOU DONT GET YOUR PHO-" SHUT YOUR BUM ASS UP. IF MY PHONE IS STOLEN OR DESTORYED, YOUR PAYING FOR THAT SHIT
H.Frank Carey High School -Bro give my juul back
by Scarceisnthere123 January 18, 2019
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A high school located in the Square (Franklin Square). This school is absolute, unfiltered, full-strength bullllllshiiiieeeeet. Nobody enjoys going here, and the teachers either look like they're about ready to hang themselves or like they just snorted 50 lines of cocaine. Some of these people have been taken care of and sent to the proper authorities. Drinking is possibly the single largest activity in these poor teenagers' social lives. They go to school with destroyed livers, and posts of their nefarious activities posted promptly on Instagram, Twitter, etc. Watch out for the seniors, they drink the most, smoke the most (WEED AND OTHER), and party the hardest. My advice to students attending this year...TRANSFER ASAP.
man #1 - "I wouldn't step inside of H. Frank Carey High School if you paid me!"

shrek - "Aye, laddy!"
by ShrekTheSilentBedIntruder69 August 21, 2014
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a jailhouse da they're orange everywhere don't go there and mrs inglima. :/
damn pu to Carey high school
by loriiiiiiiiiiiii January 4, 2018
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