A person from California who moves to cities in other US states to make it unaffordable to residents living there.
The devilspawn of the beach bro and Valley Girl in a midlife crisis, Califucks will never be satisfied with their house and infest other places just to snatch up a new house. They rarely move to rural towns with a shrinking population where housing would be cheaper than their urban destination, rarely live in multi-housing, would rather die than live in a Republican state, ignorant of local culture, almost outnumber local team’s fans when a Cali team plays an away game, is underprepared for extreme weather and temperatures, will get mad if you say "Cali", and live in close proximity to fast food and organic grocers at the same time.
Califucks are diverse in appearance and beliefs; and they all stick out like a sore thumb.
Liberal Califucks chase jobs and/or invade their college alma mater, complain about traffic while driving a hybrid and never use bus or bicycle, stay in an urban bubble to avoid country hicks outside the city, are woke and gentrifiers.
Conservative Califucks tastelessly compare themselves to refugees but persecuted by liberals, are pissy they can't buy a mansion and gas guzzler with their income, want a McMansion in a red state, and complain about the liberal Califucks following them.
The most you can do is pray for the swarm to move on to the next state, swat a few of them in vain, and rebuild from what's left.
That dingbat just cut off 3 lanes of traffic to get In-n-Out, what a Califuck.
by Rubin82 January 14, 2022
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Califucked (verb) - When one person thinks their first world problem is more important than the other persons first world problem. Specific to people in California.
Jane totally califucked me today when I was complaining about my tacos
by Ibekels October 6, 2018
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