a name for a teacher who has oddly deformed hands....possibly for comical use or perhaps a birth defect...
oooo here comes small hand....i cant wait to see her use the projector, her cacky bird hand looks much more amusing on the big screen
by scottyyyy March 12, 2008
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childhood made up rhyme. Oh how deprived we were.
"Pee, piddley, pump, fart, cacky toley smell".
by Tracey Paterson July 9, 2006
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Someone who likes cocks and cookies!
"i love cookies and NO"

"then u must be a cackie"
by lvna.heartz July 4, 2024
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The Mazda in my boyfriends drive-way.
Friend: What type of car is that??
Me: oh, thats just poopy cacky
by Kj… June 28, 2022
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The Mazda CX-7 in my boyfriends driveway.
Friend: what type of car is that?!?
Me: Oh, that’s just his moms poopy cacky
by Kj… June 28, 2022
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Cackies are a beige or any color type of pants worn to be classy by only the smartest people out there such as Ava
“Omg guys look Ava is wearing Cackies”
by Smarter than Ava June 26, 2020
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