A SECRET organazation whos president is Chuck Norris Its Vice president is ross and its ceo is stephen
and jo is a random member
and jo is a random member
by cobra people September 22, 2008
the dominate male
by turbos June 28, 2010
a series of several rapid tongue lashes to an anus followed by a violent insertion of fingers while screaming "COBRA"
by TinoFett June 9, 2006
Leader of evil crime syndicate COBRA in the GIJOE cartoon series of the 80s. His face is always covered, at first with a hood, and then by wa variety of helmets as the series progressed.
If only Cobra Commander listened to Dr. Mindbender's advice he would have suceeded in destroying GIJOE.
by DB January 14, 2005
Bro 1: ay you wana go to that party tonight?
Bro 2: na I gata do some stuff.
Bro 1: dawg you bitch made. You Cobra commander.
Bro 2: na I gata do some stuff.
Bro 1: dawg you bitch made. You Cobra commander.
by AFWB / O- CREW August 18, 2011