The feeling of YouTube Gamers when they feel extreme stress due to their work.
You: Hey what happened to Jacksepticeye?

Me: oh, he is just suffering from burntuculiteness
by LegoLouisU August 30, 2022
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A feeling of great stress. People feeling burntuculiteness often feel the need to please the masses, a feeling of worthlessness, and the feeling of being buried alive. This is very common among YouTube gamers.
JackSepticEye is experiencing an extreme case of burntuculiteness.
by Lighty2TF August 30, 2022
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The feeling of being so burnt out your face starts to distort, the subject has extreme anxiety, stress, amongst other things such as dread.
"Jacksepticeye was working the long hours, so he felt burntuculiteness"
by bngv September 13, 2022
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A very common feeling among youtube gamers.
"Jacksepticeye is experiencing an extreme case of excessive feeling of burntuculiteness."
by LutherArtwright August 30, 2022
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A feeling like the weight of the world is pressing down on you, like whatever you do is never enough, that the expectations of the masses is constantly biting at your heels, the need to disappear and not talk to anybody, like existence is futile and nothing really matters, like you are being buried alive and it's getting hard to breathe; A very common feeling among YouTube gamers. (Are you proud of me, 8-BitRyan? -Will)
Can you identify which of the pictures is Jacksepticeye feeling MORE burntuculiteness?
by Vitias August 30, 2022
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A disease that usually only occurs when a gaming youtuber is under a lot of stress
Jacksepticeye in suffering front the effects of burntuculiteness
by Imstillworking August 30, 2022
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A very common feeling amoung youtube gamers. Meaning that the entire weight of the world might be on your shoulders
Do you feel like your being B̵̗̂ủ̵̗r̶̘̕î̶̻ë̶͓́d̴̛̳ ̵̯͑a̴̩̔l̵̬̓i̵͕̅ṿ̴̈́e ͚̈ ̘̂a ̯̕n ̈͜d̶̲̚ ͕̓i̴̻͊t ̙̀s̴̩̎ ̴̲̓h ͍̍a ̗̌r ͚̑d ͉̊ ̫͊t ̹̄o̵̙̐ ̠͘b ̬͘r̵̍͜e̶̗͋ȃ̶̺ţ̵̆h̶̢̉é̴̻?̴͙̽ you might be experiencing an exesive case of burntuculiteness.
by Topiainc August 31, 2022
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