The brongus drive is a hellish place consisting of modders, artists, and horny people
i recommend never going there
man the brongus drive is cool but uni sucks
by Robyn!!! January 18, 2021
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A hellish place full of mentally ill people and/or idiots who have never felt the warmth of a woman.

hell itself
“hey, have you heard of Brongus Drive? it’s pretty cool except for this one member, Sloop. That member sucks ass
by sloop_ December 17, 2020
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A magical place that defies all logic and is used to spread memes and garfield fanfiction. Is also home to many modders and artists.
I'm just browsing the Brongus Drive right now i'll talk with you later.
Man I love the Brongus Drive.
by September 15, 2020
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