Brent means: Hill, Mount, High Place, or Holy Place.
Brenton means: Flame, Fire, or Town of Fire.
Brentonium means: Mountain Fire, Fire on High, or Holy Fire.
Brentonium’s personality truly lives up to his name; he is an all-consuming mountain fire that burns with love and discernment; he is unwavering in his strength and unbending in the face of wickedness.
by Truth and Value September 19, 2022
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Brent means: Hill, Mount, High Place, or Holy Place.
Brenton means: Fire, Flame, or Town of Fire.
Brentonium means: Mountain Fire, Fire on High, or Holy Fire.
Brentonium’s personality truly lives up to his name; he is an all-consuming mountain fire that burns with love and discernment; he is unwavering in his strength and unbending in the face of wickedness.
by Truth and Value September 19, 2022
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