A word you use when in times of distress, when you have been placed in a predicament or whenever you feel as if you’ve fumbled it… Can also be used as an insult for a big head.
Jordan: Mate how’d he miss that goal, boyega!

Jordan: That head is boyega/That boyega!
by rwaveyy July 19, 2021
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A terrible “masterpiece” created by the lightbulb headed man, MKfray .
This song was made to irritate every one who listens; even the deaf . Listen to this “shit” at your own risk
Boyega ! Do it for my people like ? ✊🏻
by Boyega June 14, 2021
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The co-lead in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, who has a beautiful laugh, and is proof that there is good in this world.
John Boyega is what makes me get up every morning.
by Disney Brony June 5, 2016
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Boyega. A person who is so sizzlin that they make your vegan bacon pop. A dazzling human who knocks your licorice out of your crystal bowl. So superb that you gotta give em the ol razzle dazzle
Man that Persons a snack, I want to slurp them right up. They are a Boyega (Boy-ega) if I've ever seen one with my Kelpy ol eye. Yah boi
by AESEIM August 10, 2017
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