
Bobson generally means awesomeness or to be awesome. Bobsons are usually go getters and always succeed in whatever they do. They have skills in almost every aspect and excel very well. They seem to be very high on top,look good and posses man like characteristics a lot like being good with ladies, playing sports, high level of intelligence. You can’t hide anything from him
I wish I could marry a man like Bobson
by The writer that wrote the word February 2, 2020
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bobson dubicle

Bobson Dubicle is an amazing guy who is the best ever and he is really cool.
by Yeetmaster612 November 17, 2020
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bobson dugnutt

A fan of Japanese video games with odd, humorous or confusing English language translations.
Sheryl is a real bobson dugnutt, she just loves that mistranslated line from that game Zero Wing - you know, "all your base are belong to us".
by phanboy_iv February 21, 2020
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bobson dubicle

Bobson Dubicle. The perfect human being. He's clever, funny, has neat handwriting and is generally just amazing.
by Yeetmaster612 November 17, 2020
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best computer game player in all of oce
bobson is best at at counter strik
by December 30, 2022
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Smitchy Bobson

A guy who is really into hentai and anime but has signed a deal with the devil to only watch 30's horror movies.
-Thank god, I'm not into anime. I almost became a Smitchy Bobson
by tonybigfattiger November 20, 2021
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