Slang word for Police
Originates from Cockney Rhyming Slang "Bottle and Glass - Arse" Making the Police the Blue Arses.
In modern use, like the Police, Bluebottles are often found around Dead Bodies and excrement.
Originates from Cockney Rhyming Slang "Bottle and Glass - Arse" Making the Police the Blue Arses.
In modern use, like the Police, Bluebottles are often found around Dead Bodies and excrement.
by CaughtJester January 21, 2013
Yo girl why you stop for,you bluebottling me?, now I'm going to have to finish my self off (walks into bathroom)
by Shakespeare95 April 30, 2015
To hurt someone unexpectedly, typically with a pinch, to mimic a bluebottle jellyfish sting. When they ask "what was that for?" Yell "BLUEBOTTLE," and urinate on the afflicted area.
by king desi July 28, 2014