Blue dream

Blue Dream, a sativa-dominant hybrid originating in California. Crossing a Blueberry indica with the sativa Haze, Blue Dream balances full-body relaxation with gentle cerebral invigoration. You'll enjoy the level effects of Blue Dream, it'll ease you gently into a calm euphoria. Some Blue Dream phenotypes express a more indica-like look and feel, but the sativa-leaning variety remains most prevalent. a relatively high THC range that averages at a low of 17% and a high of 24%.
Blue dream is a strain.
by PrinsesStray420 January 24, 2019
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Blue Dream

A strain of Indica-Sativa marijuana. Very potent, very good, gets you very high. makes you trip BALLS
dude what kind of weed is this?
its some fuckin blue dream man.
shit! i think im havin the blue dream
by bluedreamer September 15, 2009
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Blue Dream

A hybrid strain (both indica & sativa) of Marijuana.... It's also prescribed as medical marijuana in some parts of the US. Produces an AMAZING high! Some people claim it has a slight blueberry taste to it. Most reviews on the web have rated Blue Dream between 8-10. Best known for it's Euphoric effects.
Smoking from blunt -

"Omg you need to hit this dude!"
"What kind of weed is it?"
"It's that blue dream bro"

Hits blunt -

"Holy shit! I'm stoned off of one hit!"
by inhale123exhale March 30, 2012
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Blue Dreaming

The sensation you get after you smoke the type of marijuana called, "Blue Dream".
Person A - "Whatsup man why are your eyes so low?"

Person B - "I'm blue dreaming"
by thepittsburghkid August 5, 2011
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blue dream

Fucking hilllariousss strain of maryjane that sends foolish highschool girls into Comas.

Also has a good high
"Hey, may I purchase a bowl of that bud for five dollars for me and my friend?"


by thisshitisgabageagain October 22, 2009
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Blue Coconut Dream

8 oz milk
2 tbsp sugar
2 shots of Malibu
and couple drops of blue food color dye

Mix it all together and enjoy your tropical paradise
Hey can I have a Blue Coconut Dream
Coming right up
by MykaIa August 4, 2011
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Blue Dreams

When a player or team (typically originating from the MOBA League of Legends©) ends the game early to secure the win rather than sparing the enemy team to prolong the game for further enjoyment
"That guy is such a blue dreams, we were having such a good game"
"Don't be such a blue dreams Jaxon"
by TeenyTeemers January 2, 2024
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