1. A warrior cats Youtuber who generally writes songs and animates about them.

2. Real name is Jadeyn.

3.100,464 subscribers currently in October 2018

4. Sister’s name is McKenzie.

5. Has 1 dog and 2 cats

6. Check out her DevianArt and YouTube Channel if you like Warriors
Jennifer’s older brother Keith was listening to one of Blixemi’s songs yesterday.
by Potato Raven October 28, 2018
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Another word for a nerd or socially inept person, especially one that likes cats, usually a reference from the warrior cats fandom.
"don't be such a blixemi!", "man, I'm going to be a blixemi today and just stay indoors with my cat", "There is nothing wrong with being a socially awkward cat lady, i'm a proud blixemi!" "to blixemi or not to blixemi that is the question"
by The real and only January 8, 2017
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