Bim Bim

1. The Act Of Smashing Or Fucking Something Really Hard. 2. But Usually Used As A Reference To Girls Who Could Get It.
1. Damn That Runnin Back Just Got Bim Bimmed. 2. Damn I'd Give That Girl The Bim Bim.
by Bim Bim 1234 September 12, 2009
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Bim Bim

Spotnickdacat's BMW 32 i;

Also song by Spotnickdacat - Bim Bim
"We saw Spotnickdacat"
"Was he driving really slow in his 32 i?"
"Yeah and he was listening to Bim Bim"

"With his painted on blems"

by Theberryman2020 May 29, 2021
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A fatherless spoiled kid who likes to brag and to cuss a lot. Also refers to the attitude said above.
"being a bim-bim is one of the worst possible attitudes that your child can have"
by NoobSlayer_ August 28, 2022
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