Even more powerful than Big Oil or Big Pharma, Big Karen is the core demograph down to which all other powers must ultimately bow. She's white, she's over 50, and damn is she ever entitled. She has the most votes, and in real terms, controls the most capital. Why are there a million black men doing unpaid labor in American prisons? Cui Bono? The most typical depositor to the financial institutions that derive profit from prison labor is... guess who. Big Karen has The Patriarchy pussywhipped. Big Karen says you're victimizing her by not feeding her a bigger omelet, but also by breaking too many eggs. Big Karen says there are too many babies being born. But what part of the population is actually exploding? Guess who.
Sorry, we still can't ratify the E.R.A. Big Karen is ready to be PAID for heavy lifting, but not ready for actually DOING any heavy lifting.
by Orangeboxman May 27, 2021
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