A human specimen who’s ancestors carried extra meat on their butt scientificly referred to as the gluteus maximus holding an approximate area of two soccer fields and the shape of a sphere. It bounces in all direction when human is in movement. It it juicy and tasted good.
by Certifiedlovagirl July 14, 2022
If a girl, a boy or a dog has an ass bigger than a tractor wheel, we can say that she,he or wouaf has a big bunda
-Look at this dog !
-What ?
-He’s got a big bunda !
-Maybe he’s not the smartest and he only has 2 fingers in the right hand but he’s got a big bunda
- sheeeeesh !
-What ?
-He’s got a big bunda !
-Maybe he’s not the smartest and he only has 2 fingers in the right hand but he’s got a big bunda
- sheeeeesh !
by Aturtlebetweentwofishs November 22, 2021
by Gijferilurcshcnryuopljfdsscx May 20, 2021
by gay ass nigga 117 September 28, 2021
by sixlover123 January 2, 2024
This is the nickname for a girl most likely called ida osmunda, she's known for her beauty and style she has an humongous bunad. Boys can't stop staring and cry when they see it. every girl on the planet is jealous because of osmundas big bunda, it shows how much power she possesses
boy 1: oh my fuck look at that binds
boy 2: bro that's definitely big bunda osmunda she's the most popular girl in school
boy 2: bro that's definitely big bunda osmunda she's the most popular girl in school
by knøttliten March 9, 2023