"Bieber Fever" a.k.a. "Ear Cancer." Is a type of cancer, thay you can recieve while listening to many Justin Bieber songs. It is very deadly, it can cause death in less than 3 days. It is the most deadliest cancer known to man, however, there is a cure. The cure is to listen to REAL music, like Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, e.t.c.
Dumbshit Bieber Fan: lolz i haz beiber fevah!

3 days later....

R.I.P. Dumbshit Bieber Fan
Cause of death: Bieber Fever.
by Yourmother33 April 2, 2011
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a. Synonym for deafness and/or mental handicap.
b. A disease which causes retardation in girls and borderline homosexuality in boys. No known cure as of yet.

Guy: Hey what's wrong with that girl, why's she listening to Justin Beaver?
Guy 2: I think she's got Bieber fever
Guy: HAHA, what a retard, probably never heard REAL music in her life.


Mom: Is he okay? What's happening?
Doctor: Maam, I'm afraid we've had to put down your son... I'm sorry, there was nothing we could do, he had a real bad case of Bieber fever. We had to kill him, it was for his own good.
Mom: Oh... Well, I guess it's for the best.
Doctor: Damn right it's for the best, only fags and retard like that little chipmunk.
by tata12 November 17, 2010
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The biggest epidemic since the Black Plague.

Millions of women aged 3-60 have been affected by it. Although most men are immune, a couple have shown small signs of this deadly illness.

Symptoms include:
Loss of friends
Constant searching for gossip about Justin Bieber
And the developing of Edward Cullen Disease.

The only cure is more cowbell.
I've got BIEBER FEVER, and the only prescription is MORE COWBELL!
by Lucio Soph October 18, 2010
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A deadly disease that has ruined the world and caused many teenage girls to enjoy the horrible singing of Justin Bieber and his wanna be skater look. Those that suffer from this disease must be removed from the gene pool so that the rest of the world does not become infected.
Why do teenage girls have Bieber Fever? They are in love with a gay teen that hates the United States and will never hit puberty.
by The Sackman February 21, 2011
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