To have a complete brain fart where you engage in a very dumb action or thought.
Damn he just spilt his drink on the rug, what a “Ben Moment”
by Humpherious August 10, 2019
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Missing an iconic event because you couldn't be bothered or just didn't know how important it would be. after the scene in the film where Charlton Heston meets people going to the sermon on the mount but doesn't go with them.
My friends asked me if I wanted to go see Nirvana years ago before they were famous but I didn't go - what a Ben Hur Moment!
by roj62 February 6, 2010
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The moment of euphoria that one experiences when watching the silky smooth dishes, swishes, and crossovers of Chicago Bulls superstar and legend Ben Gordon. This feeling many times mimics the feeling of orgasm that one may experience during sexual intercourse. Symptoms include, momentarily loosing control of all bodily functions, spilling beer on ones self in excitement, and rapid heart palpitations.
Wow, did you just see Ben Gordon leave LeBron James in the dust on that cross over!! I just had a Ben Gordon Ejaculatory Moment!
by Mark Lewinthal March 7, 2008
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a Ben-Herman-moment is when a friend rejects a game invite because "they are on mac" and cannot run the game. a Ben-Herman-moment usually starts with a friendly rejection; they say "oh its on windows :( " showing their regret and sadness because of their situation than who ever is their usually respond with "lmao ben German moment. L + ratio + bozo + haha lmao you use mac loser"
bozo + haha lmao you use mac loser"
yo wanna play duck game it's only like a dollar.
oh... its on windows
lmao L + ratio + skill issue + get good + Ben-Herman-moment
by the norman moment September 21, 2022
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