The absolute supreme term of endearment. For use when baby, darlin, doll face or honey won't suffice.
Hey baby darlin doll face honey? I love you!!!
by zak attack pack April 18, 2011
When a girl who usually wears a flawless full face of makeup goes without any product, usually while running errands, and the contrast is significant. Dark under-eye circles, blemishes, and washed-out looking skin combine with small-looking eyes (from no eye makeup) to create a face like a newborn rodent or "baby hamster face".
She ran to Target in her tattered pajamas, sloppy bun, and baby hamster face because she didn't have time to get ready.
by Whoreganic August 1, 2017
by mr. steal yo bih June 30, 2019
by DaddyDawg87 June 9, 2022
by prettyneat12 September 16, 2018
by Alexander Ludwig February 9, 2021
An expression used when someone says or does something entirely stupid. The expression is related to someone having unprotected sex at a young age and getting knocked-up. Yeah, probably one of the stupidest things you could do. Getting knocked-up leads to babies, and so when someone says/does something really dumb, throw a baby at their face because if they want to do something that stupid, they'll probably end up doing even more stupid things like... oh, getting themselves pregnant. Just, don't really throw a baby at their face, it might harm the infant.
The "her" can be interchangeable to "his" or "their"
The "her" can be interchangeable to "his" or "their"
Girl 1: Nazis are Jews.
Girl 2: ... You're kidding me.
Girl 1: Aren't Nazis Jews?!
Girl 3: Just throw a baby at her face.
Girl 2: ... You're kidding me.
Girl 1: Aren't Nazis Jews?!
Girl 3: Just throw a baby at her face.
by a living spoon March 21, 2010