
A word that is short for bitch-slap.
Monique: Heyyy, Cam, Ty was lookin' finnne today, don'tcha think???
Camille: "Honey, do I have to come over there and B-Slap you???"
by Cormany10 February 24, 2008
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B Slapped

A way to say bitch slapped without saying the word bitch.

Children say this thinking it's not going to get them in trouble.
Dad: how was school today?
daughter: it was ok.
Dad: did anything good happen?
daughter: yeah there was a fight and this girl got B slapped in the face.
by Fuzzylump March 12, 2010
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b slap

Politically correct way of saying you're going to bitchslap someone.
I'm going to b slap them motherfuckers. I'm going to land some KING KONG b-slaps right on their snouts. Ye-ah that's what's up!
by Ping Pong Head September 14, 2018
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B - Donky Slap

The art of slapping your penis on someones ass. Preferably a big juicy booty.
"B hit up Shan's crib, so he could b - donky slap her."
by brothany5 August 4, 2007
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