August 14

People born on August 14 are the best people!!
“He is so cute!”
I think he was born on August 14.”
by RealBnna October 26, 2019
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August 14

People born on August 14 are super nice and cute
A: He must've born on August 14 cause he is so nice
by Blehblack October 20, 2019
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August 14

National give the person u hate a message day
If your birthday is on August 14 then You will have a great day
by RayRay814 November 20, 2019
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August 14

When the baddest bishes was born baby
Boy:dang she born in August

Boy:what day
Girl:August 14
Boy:ooh she a bad bish
by Thattbishh November 6, 2019
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August 14

If someone has there birthday on August 14 Tell them you're the best crackhead you have ever seen.
You see Bob there, he's a crackhead
Because his birthday is on August 14
by ××aquarius×× October 16, 2019
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August 14

This is the day in which you must grab your Gfs ass / Your Bf Dick if you really love them
It’s August 14 gotta grab her ass since I love her so much.
by Anonymous person16 June 18, 2019
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August 14

If you where born on this day you’re very clever, smart , realest , shy , independent and very honest . One of the best person someone will ever meet . Also thick and is gonna have the biggest glow up one day . Will be a billionaire one day and very successful in life . THE BADDEST AND FUNNIEST .
August 14 is a date of birth were amazing people where born .
by Unicornsworlddseheh November 22, 2021
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