give your gay bf attention day is on the 4 of october and it basically means you and your gay ass bf give eachother attention
person 1: hey there did you know its give your gay bf attention day? “ person 2: no? whats that?” person one: well since u are gay you must give your bf some attention!” person 2: okay 🤨
by Eyedsless On Twitter! October 2, 2021
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When people want to try and manipulate a lad into fancying them or giving them attention
National attention seeking whore day- is someone who tries to manipulate lads to liking them and that like everyone’s attention on them
by Ahhhhhahahahahah October 17, 2021
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Everyday girls should get a attention by their bf or crush
i love attention day because i need attention
by yo it’s patty October 13, 2019
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