Annisa is a beautiful girl who deserves the world. She has beautiful brown eyes. She has beautiful long brown hair. She is very talented, even though she doesn’t like to share her talent with the world. She doesn’t like to accept any compliments which is annoying because I wish she could see herself the way I see her. She is very smart and hilarious. She makes you feel safe, happy and valued. She may snore loud sometimes, but it’s okay because she’s cute and worth more than all the money in the world.
Annisa is an amazing human
by Anonymousperson2000 December 1, 2019
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Annisas are artistic and fun people! They love being with their friends and hate getting into arguments. Annisas can have many hobbies, such as sports, gaming etc. But true Annisas love playing games! Some Annisas cuss, like my friend!
Annisa the most greatest friend I could ever had!
by Cooliguess September 10, 2019
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A beautiful milf who loves to get out and enjoy her self and others. Who is also a strong independent woman who don't need no man! Also finds her self lonely at times but doesn't seem to carr. Loves to laugh but can also be a real snatch! Doesnt put up with s#*t!!
You're acting like a real Annisa! ... I love it.
by Kittttykatttt December 23, 2016
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The greatest person alive in the world. She's so cool it's unbelievable!!
by blauher September 11, 2008
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Someone who over reacts, is easily stressed out. Starts to look a little puffy and is a real snatch.
Calm down, you're being so Annisa!
by Dameca April 23, 2008
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Have you seen those girls by the pond? They're sooooo Annisa and Sadie, they keep banging their heads at each other.
by CrackheadHotel September 22, 2019
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