American standard

When your american and your dick so hard it's stiff as a flag pole!
Man last night I was so hard I had that American standard all night!


Man I gave my girl all my American standard last night..kept her screaming!
by Hom2436 January 24, 2018
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American Standard

When a man stacks a chick on her shoulders so her exposed asshole is in the air, insert an American flag into her stinker, stand at attention, muster a cock salute, and start singing the National Anthem.
Boy I would love to give the American standard to that iraqi chick, that would be a very patriotic.
by seed323 February 26, 2010
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An approximately turkey sized child sized child to be served to one or two dolphin(s), 2-5 times a day.

Specifically in the Atlanta Metro area.
I can see two prime American Standard Dolphin Kid Dreams headed our way now.
by Roycupine November 23, 2023
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