Acosmist. Noun. (Plural : Acosmists). One who denies the existence of the universe, or of a universe as distinct from God
Jack: Hey dude did you hear Apple got out a new phone?
Percy: It doesn't exist. Nothing does.

The next day

Jack: Dude, I was talking to Percy the other day, and he said nothing exists. What we doin'?

Mike: Bro, don't worry. Percy's an acosmist.
by nicoisgayahahah December 1, 2019
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One who believes that nothing exists.
People say I'm an acosmist because I think all of this is nothing but a simulation
by nicoisgayahahah April 14, 2020
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One who does not believe in the existence of anything.

One who believes nothing exists.
I'd say I'm an acosmist because I believe that this is nothing but a simulation
by nicoisgayahahah April 14, 2020
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