Where you try to contact new members to join your forum. It's like fishing because sometimes you catch members and sometimes you don't.
I'm going to spend christmas forum fishing for members to join my new forum.
by red georgia December 21, 2016
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used in desperation, when you are so terribly bored you go through all your contacts on your cellphone and call/text at least 75% of them asking what they are doing later tonight, if they want to hang out, etc.
SEND TXT MESSAGE TO: Anna; Bill; Joey; Katherine; Ken; Leah; Nick; Tara
hey what r u doing 2nite? im sooo bord im contact fishing ):
by zoeelizabethh August 2, 2008
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Is a money bagg bounus also known as my little dog queen princess Angel heart Money bagg$
Awe look at the powpow fish, she's pouting so bad rite now because she's mad
by Babycakes🍒 January 16, 2019
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When you take a bong hit and blow it up a woman's vagina and she queefs it out when you're eating her pussy
Some stoners don't like smoked fish, some do
by Big Ddadd October 8, 2023
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Fish. Acronym for "Fuck it, Shit happens." A sort of 21st century Hakuna Matata.
*shit happens*

*everyone whines*

Bob applies the fish principle: "Oh well. Fuck it, shit happens."

*bob moves on with his life, happy and not worried about whatever happened."

*everyone else keeps whining*
by Jjshdddkdishbsbsjskshsbdbd September 21, 2013
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The act of placing a fake package, or "bait box" on a porch or driveway to entice a "porch pirate", aka mail thief, into stealing it. It usually contains something unpleasant such as pet feces or dirty dirty socks. Some people on YouTube have gone more elaborate and built glitter flinging devices or packages connected to shot shell primers to scare the thief. And some just put something in the package to waste the thief's time.
"I used to have a bad case of porch pirates until my neighborhood started porch fishing. After that it cleared right up. Thanks porchfishing.org!"

"Going Porch Fishing? Don't forget to buy some shit at PorchFishing.org'
by @pdxTurdHunter March 23, 2023
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The act of eating a fishy/smelly vagina while dreaching tartar sauce over her lady parts.
Man, last night that girl was a freak! She wanted me to give her Jone's Fish and chips!
by Kobayashi Kumiko Kiyoshi February 15, 2018
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