A height considered to be very tall for girls, yet short for boys, although it’s actually not. The average male is nearly 5’10, yet 5’11 seems to be short according to woman. Being a 6’0 male will make all the difference in the world to women.
“Ugh I really want to date John but i feel like he’s too short, he's only 5’11!”

“You should date Brandon then, he’s 6’0!!”

“Omg really? Wow he’s so tall I might just have to hit him up!”
by xoxo your bitch 😎 September 8, 2019
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When someone with savage potential acts soft af
Papito has big 511” energy tho...
by Navacito April 12, 2021
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Not quite 6 foot but still needs ego stroked
Someone with short man syndrome that says he is 6 foot even though he isn’t
That bloke isn’t 6 foot, he is a husky 5’11
by HungryH April 30, 2021
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