Chinese for 'yes no', meaning 'just answer yes or no' when prepended to a sentence.
484偷懶被抓到!Yes or no, did your boss catch you slacking off?
by We are Anonymous September 19, 2022
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Same as a Catch-22, but squared for those really really bad dilemmas.
When Katy K got pulled over for a DWI she had two choices, she could either blow the fat, balding cop or spend the night in jail. It was a real Catch-484, but she did make it home that night.
by snoopshizzle March 11, 2008
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Class 230 & 484

The Result of a company called Vivarail taking dying D Stock trains that were on life support. Giving them a extensive Refurbishment for no god damn reason. Whacking some Wabtec motors on that bitch and sticking some shitty diesel engines onto it and Creating a Diesel Electric Unit not even fucking bi-mode to run a shitty line near birmingham and to transport sheepshaggers in wales while in the isle of wight they get a class 230 which has had its forth rail shoes ripped straight off its fragile body and has been painted in shitty SWR branding with a "Island Line" sticker slapped on the side to transport Fishbowl across the sinking town of ryde.
The Class 230 & 484 broke down
"Why did it break down?"
"Wabtec motors innit"
by ItsFound May 31, 2021
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