
not sure why, I just know it means this. Possibly a misspelling of "Tomorrow". The creator of this may of been an idiot who spelled it with 2 m's such as "Tommorrow" which is incorrect.
by eidorian March 31, 2008
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Lately becoming a popular text abbreviation for tomorrow amount iphone users.
"Srry babe, I can't go meet your parents 2mm."
"Well then I guess your just not getting the D 2mm either."
by Shio_ri November 24, 2013
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A small penis that somehow has the capability to impress many women.
Woman 1 “God have you seen Sam’s penis?”
Woman 2 “Oh my it was so beautiful and cute!”
Sam “Quite the schmuck I have right lil old 2mm defeater.”
by Kermit soup suck July 9, 2022
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"Donald I can't feel anything arse u in my pussy yet? Honestly that 2mm wonder couldn't make a sexually deprived mouse with a tight pussy cum" ~ Melanie Trump
by MYOB you nosy bastards August 11, 2019
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A reference to a non homosexual individual who farts persentantly and putridly.
I worked out with Javo in the gym last night and he had me lifting weights in the corner when his 2mm cannon was going off.
by Baro, J', Javo May 8, 2003
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