
the year 2010
from the idiots who brought you Y2K
at least it's not retarded like 2KX
(where K is -not- a Roman Numeral but X *is*)
and doesn't sound stupid like 2MX
(where M *is* the correct Roman Numeral)
I overheard a bunch of brain-dead noobs refer to 2010 as "2KX". And rather than spend twenty minutes educating these Neanderthals on the difference between the Roman Numeral system and Scientific Notation; I fed these sheep the MSM antidote by reminding them of Y2k, then telling them the appropo urban usage for 2010 is 2K10.
by levex January 12, 2010
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Another way of writing 2011. People write it because they r
yes its my fav song bro 2k10+1
by LittleCupidStunt April 24, 2011
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