A mad person who likes attention and compliments, they made them feel more epic and more confident. Innit boys?

15th December people are a class clown that everyone finds them underrated but they can be too annoying but thats okay because they are epic and they deserve the choccy milk!!

Everyone wants to be them, they have almost every talent so if you're born in 15th Dec, show them watchu got 😎🤘
A: did you born on 15th December?
B: hell yeah im the best
by succyourmamatoes November 29, 2019
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National Chicken Bolognese Day in the UK.
Boris: Why is everyone eating Chicken Bolognese?

Darius: It’s 15th December man!
by Iejjejdjd December 1, 2020
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If you were born on this day you are real one, have big dick energy, and tend to be cool af.
P1: Max has big dick energy and is cooool af
P2: I'm pretty sure he was born on December 15th
by AMANOFTRUTH October 17, 2019
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If you where born on this day slap someone named alyssa
When’s yo birthday

December 15th
Oh go slap alyssa
by Ifuckedyomom69420 November 3, 2019
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Amazing winter day. The stars are perfectly aligned, the snow is softly falling without a sound, and dreams come true.
He asked me out on December 15th and we’ve been happy ever sense
by Heather317 June 10, 2018
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