a super hot milf and dilf loving person. .zorosgf is swag,sexy,hot,SINGLE,and in love with any person who talks to them.
someone: wow! you are really hot, swag, and sexy! i could just call you .zorosgf!
me: 😁🤙
by March 12, 2021
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a super hot, swag, sexy, and happy person.
They also love m1lfs and d1lfs!
someone: why should i call you ‘.zorosgf’?
me: because i’m swag, sexy, hot, and happy!😁🤙
by March 12, 2021
Get the .zorosgf mug.
a super hot, sexy , swag, cool, milf loving person!
someone: what are you?
you: you could say i’m ‘.zorosgf’!

someone: why?
you: because i’m swag, hot, cool, and sexy!
by MilfLover42069 March 12, 2021
Get the .zorosgf mug.