Sexual ice cream, originates in Norway, now established all over the world. The UK breeds some fine tasting fajj. Fo Fajj is by far known the tightest, most moist fajj...creamie stylee !! Fajj-ma-tajj ( nice norwegian curry made from fajj ). Ive got a tight fajj.
Fo Fajj Fum, i can smell your bum. Nice and tight, not like your mum.
by *Mister fo* ( the kinky tink ) November 17, 2003
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A name commonly used by high profile acepella groups across america. The name can be an acronym but does not necessarily have to be. Members of FAJJs are usually some of the coolest people you'll ever meet, and their songs give you orgasms.
Jim: Did you hear about that new acapella group?

Paul: What, you mean FAJJ?

Jim: Ya they're some of the sexiest people I've ever seen.
by casual_wolf January 18, 2011
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Trashy object or behavior. Usually relating to someone who is gay or transexual. Also relating to someone who is a total attention whore.
(Spelled F-A-Zjay-Zjay)
Did you see Billy in those patent leather platforms? So Fajj.
by fajj-queen March 13, 2009
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