Fite Me Cunt of #FMC for short. A group based off of the Australian Connecf 4 meme - beer geeks/nerds (in Atlanta) that actually show the fuck up to beer shares, and are just as bad as honey badger who don't give no damn. Coined the phrases #PBiL and #MeadFlute, loves Letterkenny, and defends their friends in times of need.
We can't share beers during the COVID-19 Quarantine - squad up! #FMC
When a friend asks for help, you help them. Even if it seems like you're on a high horse. #FMC
by Aqualuna007 July 2, 2020
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Acronym for Fuck My Computer (if you have a POS computer) or Fuck My Connection (if you have a Dial-Up or slow DSL internet connection).
by Rellik Uzi August 14, 2010
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Descendents of Royalty and Bless by God, known as the Four Mighty Cac or just the Four Man Crew. People can feel their presence from miles away. Haters stay away and resent their existence. Ladies flock to their feet with legs wide open to boast their status and bask in the FMC's glory. The CIA wants to interrogate them just to be in the same room with them. Individually, they are on one's own, self-contained, self-determining, self-governing, self-reliant, self-ruling, self-sufficient, self-supporting. But together the universe waiver to their will.
All rise for the mighty FMC!!!!!
by Khanster July 28, 2011
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fuck me crazy. an abbriviation
fmcS (fuck me crazy sam)
by Annie H February 16, 2008
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Acronym for 'Fucking Massive Cunt' a fat woman with enough room for an army between her legs - highly offensive and highly smelly. AKA FMG - 'Fucking massive gash' (slightly nastier)
Fucking hell mate you didn't just erode your nob in that FMC's pit of eternal shame did you? Ugh.
by John March 20, 2005
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