Me. I am a RAGING bisexual. Girls are hotter tho :/
Girl #1: “I can’t sit right and I make puns 24/7”
Girl #2: oh Becky! You’re a bisexual!!”
by Gay and depressed April 4, 2021
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Men 🗿☕️ Women 🗿☕️
Men hot, women hot. Bisexual.
by Alex 💀 July 24, 2023
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Meaning that you fall for both genders.
People who are bisexual can fall for both girls and boys.

If you're a boy, you can fall for girls and boys,
if you're a girl, you can fall for boys and girls.

Some people might have a preference, like girls might have a preference to fall for boys but can still fall for girls, but a bit less than that they fall for boys, but they can also have a preference for girls and fall less for boys.

Same goes for guys/ boys.
People realize tha they're bisexual quite quickly, though some people might deny it since it comes at a random time or that they've been straight theire whole life so now it's like it's just a mistake or maybe a small phase.

And yes, bisexuality (and all the other sexuality's), can accidentally been taken by a mistake and can actually be a phase, but if it's been longer than 4 years you should start to realize you're actually bisexual.
"I'm bisexual."
"Oh! So you fall for boys and girls?"

"I have a preference for girls, but can fall for boys."
by ststar April 11, 2023
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an attraction to both masculinity AND femininity


attraction to both male and female.
a: what does it mean when you like boys and girls?
b: it's called being bisexual
by robinrory March 4, 2022
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n. a person with the capacity to be attracted to multiple genders.
adj. having the capacity to be attracted to multiple genders

love my sweater weather baes
Person A: Hey, did you hear that Mia is dating a girl? I thought she had an ex-boyfriend...
Person B: Oh, yeah, she came out as bisexual a few days ago. So she goes both ways.
Person A: Nice, that's cool.
by pitayaturtle October 7, 2023
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