The definition of a thizzel Jr is a person that has done so many thizzles in their entire life that they don't remember a goddamn thing.
The past 45 days I've reckoned myself as a thizzel Jr, all of my friends think of me as a thizzel Jr, my teacher thinks I'm a thizzel jr, everyone at my work thinks I'm a thizzel jr, I don't even work I'm just a thizzel Jr with an enormous cock.
by Nohandle@weather August 2, 2021
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Current host of noobalert, kills noobs for a living. Also known for being a Money hungry gnome console gamer. He is also aiming for a professional roblox career. Hes Dream is to become #1 speedrunner in the entire universe, gotta go fast!

#numberone #gottagofast #sonic #KillsTheGame #Let'sGetRightIntoTheNoobs
-Woah, that speedrunner is totally radical!
Yeah bruv, he's a total killer jr !
by DefStrikkerSlajer666 November 21, 2016
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A man of bigger ambitions. Wide imaginations. For glory and honor as it is derived from the Justinian emperors of the past.
Facing your great troubles is like facing the justiniano dimol jr of your own destiny.
by Pilak Sebuano June 8, 2021
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boy with big ass lips, his friends drag him by his lips in his hawk hall class , he says marist girl basketball team is trash , brooke says he’s trash at basketball , he’s always depressed but somehow got a girlfriend . You CAN’T comb his hair what so ever. THAT BITCH NAPPY!!!
Look it’s Curtis jones jr he’s lips hang from his mouth .
by Curtis Jones Jr November 22, 2021
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A jr is a person/ boy who likes animè and SpongeBob, and is also a person who likes girls with beaver teeth, and he swears he has hoes but high-key doesn't, and hide your girls when he's around or he will still them with some animè Bullshit!
"What is a jr bro? bro theres a jr right fucking there! fuck I'm hiding my gurl or he will still her wid some animè shit!!
by Urbanlegend! February 19, 2018
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Sucks ass. Everyone there are sluts. Goes with a girl named skyler and some other people I’m not listing names. The teachers there are stupid. Hard to get everything done in just one short class period
Peru jr high
by Get a life☺️ January 15, 2019
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When you’re “JR busy” it means you’re doing work you love and somehow getting paid for it
I’m JR busy and life is good!
by Nitsua007 March 24, 2022
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