When you ride the dick like a wave and ur bitcvh tsunamis
Joe: Yo this girl gave me a wave job
Jasper: Damn nigga a wave job??? i would get one if i wasnt gay
by joelefty April 5, 2019
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When you need to get turnt for a night out. Very very drunk. When Jack goes out for a big sesh, he is gonna make big waves.
Matt: What you doing tonight?
Jack: Making big waves
Matt: oh right

Jack: come make waves and stop being a big fat bitch
by Wavey Gang October 9, 2017
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used by owner of a Ram just like a jeep but it is your pinky finger and your index finger up like horns
Brad "I was driving and this dude didn't ram wave me back what a asshole"
Chad" what a asshole he didn't ram wave back
by BruhAldo2 October 28, 2020
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Sexual; when someone is performing oral sex on a woman and has their hands on the woman's tits.
There's nothing like watching baseball and your man has his face between your thighs while he reaches up and pinches your nipples. He can do the wave better than anyone in the stands.
by ShattaA November 2, 2017
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When you chain-eat multiple bowls of cereal in a row, and instead of drinking the milk, you pour more cereal on top of the milk and refill it.
Person 1: Dude i've got the munchies soo bad
Person 2: Here's some cereal, feel free to have some
Person 1: *begins riding the wave through three boxes of cheerios*
by viriondash August 2, 2023
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An action that would simply make a girls vagina act up, or evoke a sense of manliness or badass behavior.
Yo Tom that shit was actually the vagina wave
by Jakedagoat April 2, 2023
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