Completely on another planet, mostly visualizing their surroundings and most of the time doesn't recognize what's going on. Totally in silence.
Taylor was in class lost while her classmates were working on an assignment.
by Rshamb January 16, 2023
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Another word for Ledan.
The pure definition of Ledan.
Your are totally Ledan (Yau are totally lost)
by TheElemor August 5, 2020
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The pure definition of how it is to be Ledan.
Guy 1: You are totally Ledan right now.
Guy 2: Ledan?
Guy 1: *Facepalms* *mumbles* lost....
by TheElemor August 5, 2020
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Refers to people who are literally lost and in a fish bowl.
i.e "Hey Fred! I boxed fishy the other day and he was literally so lost!".
by polarbrr October 8, 2022
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A person in a book known as "Eyes open" with the ability of lightning.
Hey, Lost wanna go play some video games.
by Phantom6394 June 30, 2021
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A weekend spent drinking, smoking, and doing other unspeakable things. Only to be kept between the people who were there. It looses meaning when everyone else knows about the weekend. Hence the "lost part"
"Hey Dan remember when we had that Lost weekend?"
"Hell yeah man! Shit was crazy"
"Glad we're the only people who know about it"
by Lost Weekend April 2, 2015
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that friend we all have who is constantly too hammered to function.
"Sarah is such a lost weekend. Everytime she drinks with us, she is a shit storm."
by Chelleybelleyy March 18, 2017
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