having anal intercourse (fucking someone in the ass) with ribbed condom.
"Jee, I just can't sit right after that hardcore toilet scrubbing last night."
by rae VAN March 25, 2008
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The act of getting an erection in the OR and ducking into Sub Sterile pretending your phone is ringing.
I got a scrub tent yesterday and knocked over the sterile instruments running out if the room.
by Pacochips December 19, 2013
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Using the back of your hands to masterbate in an effort to recreate the feeling of a footjob.
Man, I've been struggling to get any lately. Or, if I find someone willing their feet are nasty. So, I've been getting by on metacarpal scrubs for the last month.
by ImFCKD December 22, 2017
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To have sex with a nurse and she keeps the scrubs on.
Bonus if they keep the scrubs on.
I was on patrol and met a cute nurse in the er. One thing led to another and we had scrub love in the closet.
by BedroomTed December 16, 2019
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When your significant other is giving you a blowjob, you point your dick up a little so that the head scrapes the roof of their mouth.
John: When Mary was blowing me last night, I started scrubbing the roof. It felt amazing!
by eg3311 October 7, 2012
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Used to mock people who are worse than you in anything or are bad at something. The word 'Frag' is a term used in early fps ,such as Doom(1993), as slang for a players net kills ( number of kills - number of deaths).
Person 1 :"I just failed my maths GCSE" Person 2 "LMAO Frag harder scrub"

" Get domed, frag harder scrub!"
by NotNatsuki June 7, 2021
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