John: that guys a dumbass
Jake: why?
John: because he put the milk first in his cereal
by I_poop_diamonds29449 September 16, 2020
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the person that looked this up.
"You, the person reading this, is the definition of a dumbass"
by nuh uh. August 26, 2023
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A person that was adopted and raised by the aunt for 20 years and giving everything but still runs back to her stupid biological mother is a dumbass!
My sister Jessica L Mac is a dumbass!
by Stupid guy 1457 October 12, 2021
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Person: ur a dumbass
by geyebish November 19, 2020
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guy who searches the word "dumbass" in a dictionary.

a stupid person.
"This guy is so stupid, he's a dumbass."
by That's an Intellectual March 18, 2021
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A person who is dumb enough to think he's Jokes are funny
by Yoda the wise December 20, 2022
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